Heavy (ヘヴィ) 1990

Ohhh boy. Look at that embarrassing banner.

Look at the shoddy design of this blog. The shame! The shame!

Almost exactly nine years since my last post, I now return, like a father returning to the son that he forgot he locked in the attic.

In true Bubby-Subs fashion, this isn’t necessarily the definitive translation of this delightful title, a 1990 OVA based on an eight-volume manga.


EDIT: In true Bubby-Subs fashion, some glaring mistakes were overlooked. It’s not really going to affect your enjoyment of the show, but regardless, here’s a V2 of the subs. Fixed the font issue, Alex Gordon being “Alex King” and a few grammar errors.

You can grab the V2 Of the subs here:




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